Earlier plans for the Security Noticeboard from march 2023

What the council actually put together.


See recent media article to hear about what the fund has eventually migrated into.

Shortcut to The hutt City Safety managers speech.


Facebook Group statistics

Note that Facebook often move physical location and dont update their Facebook location to match. Thus many members have advised in the application they are located in the Hutt Valley or wider Wellington region. The members out side of that condition are friends, family or interested parties of Lower Hutt residents. Every member has been individually approved once reviewed by an admin.

Mentions in Media

The Breakfast Show News 7:05am 08/07/2024

03/07/2024 – Lower Hutt City Council meeting.

03/07/2024 – The Platform


02/07/2024 – The Post News Interview


19/07/ 2023
